The Sita’s Fire Trilogy

From Spark to Fire

Destroyer of Sorrow Book Trailer

Queen of the Elements Book Trailer

The Sita’s Fire Trilogy Author Interview

The Sita’s Fire Trilogy Series

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“Brilliant full-color illustrations by Johansson, which render the fantasy world in all its fearsome beauty, accompany the text. Sheth places particular importance on the female characters in her account, imbuing them with strength and pathos… An impressive recounting of an ancient South Asian legend.”


“A heartbreakingly beautiful re-telling of Valmiki’s Ramayana, one of the classic tales from ancient India. True to the original, yet written from a deeply personal perspective, ‘Shadows’ is a book for all people and all times. Ten stars!!! Read it as soon as possible!!! Ps. The original illustrations by Anna Johansson, Vrinda’s mother, are the icing on the cake.”

– JAI UTTAL, kirtan pioneer, Grammy nominee, and Rama-lover

“ ‘Shadows of the Sun Dynasty’ is a fictionalized novel adaptation of the story of Lord Rama and his eternally beloved Sita. Vrinda’s thrilling devotional narration and her mother Anna’s spellbinding illustrations exhilarate our hearts with wisdom and grace and stir the awakening of our souls true love.”

– RADHANATH SWAMI, author of “The Journey Home” and the New York Times Best-seller “The Journey Within.”

“My dear friend, the multi-talented Vrinda Sheth, wife of Visvambhar Sheth, has written the best modern rendition of the Ramayana (the story of Rama and Sita) and she has written it from the perspectives of the women. This adventure packed tale is also filled with sublime illustrations done by Vrinda’s mother, Anna Johansson.”

– SHARON GANNON, co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga, author of “Yoga and Vegetarianism.”

“Vrinda Sheth is an extraordinarily gifted storyteller who with her mother’s exquisite illustration is bringing the universal epic of the Ramayana alive for all ages. It illuminates the timeless human dilemmas, particularly for women, to inspire us all to rise to our destiny.”

– SHIVA REA, Global Yoga Teacher, Sacred Activist, author of “Tending the Heart Fire”

“Vrinda Sheth’s brand new retelling of the Ramayana brings the great epic vividly to life. She weaves an insightful story around the original narrative, plunging us deeply into the drama filled lives of its many fascinating characters. A highly entertaining read that never loses sight of the profound spiritual themes that run through the revered classic. Moving and uplifting. I can hardly wait for the next two volumes.”

– KRISHNA DHARMA, author of “The Ramayana: India’s Immortal Tale of Adventure, Love, and Wisdom.”

“What especially stands out in this edition of the Ramayana is the celebration of the feminine voice: the female characters who would normally be overshadowed by their male counterparts are now invested with agency and power. The extraordinary positive contributions from such female personalities leaves the reader with a fresh view of this amazing tale.”

– GRAHAM M. SCHWEIG, PHD, author of “Bhagavad Gītā: The Beloved Lord’s Secret Love Song.”

“Reader, be prepared for a treat. Vrinda Sheth’s Ramayana is far beyond routine story-telling. Her telling is full of the kind of personal detail and insight that comes from knowing her subjects at a heart level.”

– RANCHOR PRIME, Author of “Ramayana: A Tale of Gods and Demons.”

“The intrigue and mystery starts with the opening line—never have I been pulled so quickly into a book through a few simple yet tantalizing words. The art and magic unfold page after page through story and image alike.”

BRAJA SORENSEN, Author of “Lost & Found in India.”

“What an excellent retelling of the Ramayana! If sheer artistry, imagination, storytelling technique, and descriptive writing were not enough, Vrinda Sheth accurately conveys the emotion and underlying philosophical content of the story as well.”

STEVEN J. ROSEN, author of “The Hidden Glory of India,” and “Black Lotus: the Spiritual Journey of an Urban Mystic.”


“The author adeptly fleshes these ancient mythological figures into rounded, relatable characters who feel as human as any other in contemporary YA fantasy. Sita, with her complex emotions and conflicted history, is an especially compelling personality, and Sheth gives her ample page time to tell her story in her own words. Whether readers are familiar with the Ramayana—an Indian epic that has been popular throughout South Asia and beyond for centuries—or they are discovering these characters for the first time, the novel delivers time-tested stories playing out against a distinctive fantasy world.” 


“A heartbreakingly beautiful re-telling of Valmiki’s Ramayana, one of the classic tales from ancient India. True to the original, yet written from a deeply personal perspective, ‘Shadows’ is a book for all people and all times. Ten stars!!! Read it as soon as possible!!! Ps. The original illustrations by Anna Johansson, Vrinda’s mother, are the icing on the cake.”

JAI UTTAL, kirtan pioneer, Grammy nominee, and Rama-lover

“My dear friend, the multi-talented Vrinda Sheth, has written the best modern rendition of the Ramayana (the story of Rama and Sita) and she has written it from the perspectives of the women. This adventure packed tale is also filled with sublime illustrations done by Vrinda’s mother, Anna Johansson.”

SHARON GANNON, co-founder of Jivamukti Yoga, author of “Yoga and Vegetarianism.”

“Again in this second volume, the work is richly illustrated with Johansson’s lovely, dramatic, and colorful illustrations. Especially noteworthy here are her charming renditions of natural scenes in the forest and the various fauna (and bloodthirsty monsters!) found there. Once again, lovers of the Ramayana will find much to enjoy and also to debate in this lively, creative, and provocative retelling of the Rama story.”

DR. ROBERT P. GOLDMAN, principal translator of “The Rāmāyaṇa of Vālmīki: An Epic of Ancient India”



“This volume (gorgeously illustrated throughout by Johansson) concentrates on Sita, the bride of the god Rama, as she is brutally abducted by the demon Ravana.… Sheth’s writing voice is completely vibrant and compelling—and this is lucky since the task the authorial team faces is almost impossible: making a third book in a trilogy comprehensible to new readers. Even the most supportive newbies will probably want to dive into the previous volumes before this one. Still, the audience will find Sita a strong and vivid character in this potent finale.… A powerfully dramatic retelling of a Hindu epic.”
— Kirkus Reviews (full review)

“Vrinda brings out the agency of Sita in protecting herself, her integrity, and her autonomy while held captive by Ravana. While the battle between Rama and Ravana is part of the story, the real story is the contest between the violent, destructive power of Ravana and the creative Shakti of Sita.”

— DR . VANDANA SHIVA, Founder of Navdanya and Diverse Women for Diversity, environmental activist, physicist, and author of more than twenty books

“Vrinda Sheth’s writing is brilliant. Destroyer of Sorrow is magnificent, riveting and heart-wrenching. I really don’t have words to express my appreciation. Reading it did something to my heart that maybe I’ll be able to explain someday.”

— JAI UTTAL, Grammy nominated sacred music composer, multi-instrumentalist, recording artist, and ecstatic vocalist

“I’ve read several versions of the Ramayana over the decades but I have never read anything like this. What Vrinda Sheth has done with this adaptation is incredible. She writes with the pace of a thriller and the sensitivity of a poet. It’s a combination that illuminates this classic with an extraordinary new light.”

— MUKUNDA MICHAEL DEWIL, Director: Vehicle 19 and Retribution

“Destroyer of Sorrow is the long-awaited finale of an absolutely splendid Trilogy featuring Sita’s experience in the Ramayana.  Given the normative focus on Rama in the history of this magnificent Epic, it is a most welcome addition to Ramayana scholarship to be awarded a perspective from the female protagonist’s point of view.  Naturally, Vrinda has had to take some reconstructive liberty in depicting events from Sita’s point of view, but this has not been done at the expense of serious and extensive research and scholarship on this Goddess – and having been born and raised in a conservative ashrama herself, Vrinda is perfectly situated to undertake excavation of feminine perspective and power in male dominated environments. The Ramayana has taken many forms and flavors over the course of the centuries since Valmiki first penned the Epic, and been depicted in many genres and voices, so this version through Sita’s eyes is fully a propos to our own day and age as we strive for gender equality. While the story will especially appeal to young adults, it will not fail to pull the devotional heart-strings of any readership – bhakti after all transcends age, gender and social status. Moreover, the water color paintings from Vrinda’s mother are visually exquisite. This mother-daughter aesthetic masterpiece is a coffee table book, and I look forward to giving this as a deluxe gift to special friends for many years to come.”

— Edwin Bryant, Professor of Hinduism at Rutgers University


Sita’s Gems

Sita's Gems
A vital, groundbreaking audio project. We delve deep to unearth Sita’s enduring significance, tackle difficult passages, and celebrate Sita’s strength and example. Limited time offer – 10% off discount code: VRINDA10

The Art of Sita’s Fire

The Art of Sita’s Fire: A Mindful Meditation is a captivating art book showcasing the stunning artwork from the Sita’s Fire Trilogy. Each painting is thoughtfully paired with excerpts that bring the story behind the artwork to life, offering a rich and immersive experience.


Illuminations from the Ramayana

Illluminations from the Ramayana

The limited edition Illuminations of the Ramayana is a 350-page deluxe art book featuring vibrant watercolor paintings inspired by the epic. It includes scholarly insights from Graham M. Schweig, PhD and Molly Kaushal, PhD.


The Queen’s Demand

Anna drew these charming illustrations as the prototype for the more elaborate paintings of The Sita’s Fire Trilogy. Twenty years later, Vrinda found the folder of forgotten illustrations in her mom’s drawer and was instantly inspired to write a simple text to match them.

Recommended for ages 3–7

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The Sita’s Fire Trilogy Boxed Set

Sita's Fire Trilogy Boxed Set


If you don’t have the set already, ordering all three books in the Sita’s Fire Trilogy together is a great idea! This limited edition deluxe set comes with a beautiful full-color slipcase.



Immerse yourself in this timeless classic.

If you do not know Sita and Rama’s story, this trilogy is for you. If you are a Sita-Rama connoisseur, this work is for you. The mother-daughter team have pushed their individual crafts to their limits to invite every reader into this magical world.

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